Monday, 27 June 2011

Questionnaire Analysis

GENDER. 30% female, 70% male. 
Ashley and I created a questionnaire to ask our target audience which were young adults, what they expected in a music video and their thoughts, opinions and what they liked and did not like about music videos. our questionnaire was no more than 6 questions and they were very important to ask our audience so that we can make a music video that they would like, they were very basic.It goes as followed
1) Gender?
Male               Female

70% of the people we asked were male and 30% of the people we asked were female.

40% were aged 17-25 and the other 60% were 8-16 
0-7          8-16        17-25         25+

out of the people we asked, they were either 16 or 17, so they fitted in two specific boxes. 40% were aged 17-25 and the other 60% were aged 8-16

3)How many music videos do you watch per week?
0       1-3          4-7      8-11           11+
60% of our audience (which is majority) said that they say 4-7 music videos a week

the other 40% said differently.
20% said that they watch 1-3 music videos 
20% said that they saw 8-11 

4)What is your favourite genre?

This was the most important question on the questionnaire because here we really got to find out our target audiences opinion and what kind of music they liked. This is where we had the biggest variety of answers.
The option that was the most popular was ROCK, we asked 10 people and out of them, 8 people ticked rock as one of their favourite music genre.
second most popular option was INDIE. this was ticked by 7 people.
6 people ticked DUBSTEP as one of their favourite type of music
RAP & DRUM'n'BASE was only ticked by 5 people.
RNB& SOUL was only ticked by 3 people.
The least popular option was HEAVY METAL and OPERA , which only one person ticked, 

 Not a lot of people picked r'n'b but we still went for it because this is the genre that me and my my partner could relate to and be happy to work with. I still prefered r'n'b because this is the genre that most of my favourite songs and artists are categorised with.


5)What would you expect to find in a music video?
dancing    shots of the performer(s)   close ups of actors  cutaways
establishing shots of locations  titles

this was another very important question as here we got to find out more about people's opinions on what they liked about music videos.
here everybody we asked our questionnaire picked 'SHOTS OF THE PERFORMER' 'CUTAWAYS' and 'CLOSE UPS OF ACTORS' were expected to be found in a music video. We planned to put all 3 methods of shooting in our music video. and the fact that our audience was very keen on it motivated us and made us glad that we thought of putting these methods of shots in our video.
those were the mos popular options. 
DANCING got no ticks which shows that no one thinks that dancing is compulsory in a music video which is good because we were not planning to put any form of choreography in our music video.
4 people out of 10 said that they thought TITLES were important in a music video and only 2 people said that ESTABLISHING SHOTS OF LOCATIONS were important in a music video. 

6)How important in your opinion is that the narrative of the music video links to the song lyrics?

In this question no one picked lower than 6.
10% picked 6, 30% picked 7, 40% picked 8 and 20% picked 10

 1 people picked 6
3 people picked 7 
4 people picked 8  
2 people picked 10 

1 comment:

  1. So not many people wanted R'n'B, but you went for it anyway. You need to say why. And define your target audience. Obviously it is teenagers. Also, don't say 'a bunch of' people!!
